Standards and Regulations

Standards and Regulations

Namibian regulatory marketing standards for agronomy and horticultural products that are supplied fresh to the consumer are intended to guarantee quality to the consumer. This guarantee takes into account variations in aspects like freshness, size, quality, presentation, tolerances, etc. The NAB conducts documentary and physical checks to ensure that products destined for local and export markets as well as those imported comply with these minimum marketing quality standards.

Namibian products complying with the established regulatory marketing standards can bear the “NAB” logo. This logo certifies that the product has been produced according to industry norms and standards regulated and implemented by the NAB. There is a strict certification process for producing and marketing fresh produce destined for the export market.

Regulatory Marketing Standards:

  • Table grapes marketing standards
  • Date fruits marketing standards
  • Pearl millet standards etc.


Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs):

  • SOP for importation of agronomic and horticulture products
  • SOP for exportation of agronomic and horticulture products
  • SOP for transit of agronomic and horticulture products


+264 (61) 379 500
No. 30 David Meroro Str, Windhoek
P.O. Box 5096, Ausspannplatz, Windhoek