Call for Registration of White Maize and Mahangu Farmers – 2021 Season
In line with the Agronomic Industry Act, 20 of 1992, the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) is mandated to promote the agronomy and horticulture industry, and to facilitate production, processing, storage and marketing of controlled agronomic and horticultural products in Namibia.
As per section 10 (1)(J) of the Agronomic Industry Act, Act 20 of 1992, all producers of controlled agronomic and horticultural crops in Namibia are legally obliged to register with the NAB as a producer of a controlled product.
Therefore, in order to efficiently facilitate the marketing of locally produced grains (white maize and mahangu), we hereby invite all grain farmers who intend to market their white maize and mahangu grains to registered millers/silos during the upcoming 2021 marketing season, to register with the NAB.
The registration of the grain farmers will officially commence on 01 February to 30 March 2021, and thereafter, selective field verification will be conducted, before the start of the marketing season on 01 May 2021.
All grain farmers with limited access to internet connectivity are advised to register at their nearest Agricultural Development Centre (ADCs), where they will be assisted by officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR), Directorate of Agricultural Extension and Engineering Services (DAPEES).
During the registration process at the ADCs, grain farmers are expected to provide the following vital information:
- Any proof of identifcation (original or certified copy of ID, Birth Certificate, Letter from the traditional authority, Land Lease or company
registration certificate). - Estimated hectares planted during 2020/2021 planting season.
- Total quantity (tons/ kg/ 50kg bags) expected to be harvested.
- Total quantity (tons/ kg/ 50kg bags) expected to be marketed during 2021marketing season.
- Expected month/s of marketing.
Furthermore, grain farmers who have access to internet connectivity, can access the registration forms on the NAB website: www.nab.com.na, alternatively such forms can be emailed on request. The NAB will also email the registration form to grain farmers who are already on our existing mailing list from the 2020 marketing season.
It should further be noted that, in terms of the current grain marketing rules, registered millers and silos are only allowed to buy white maize and mahangu grains from farmers who are registred with the NAB. Therefore all unregistered grain farmers will not be allowed to sell their grain to registered millers/silos until they are registered with the NAB.
For more information, contact the following Agronomic Market Development Officers at the NAB:
Mr. Akawa Amufufu at: 081 7116666, Akawa.Amufufu@nab.com.na and Ms. Linda Fillemon at: 081 363225. Tel: 061379500,