COVID-19 Lockdown
The Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) wishes to inform all its stakeholders that the NAB Head Office in Windhoek will be temporary closed from the 27th of March 2020 to the 14th of April 2020. This is a precautionary measure in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Stakeholders are further informed that despite the head office closure, our landlines will be accessible and stakeholders can contact us on 061 379500.
Furthermore, the following essential services will still be provided; Permit Application: The permit application forms are available on the NAB website, www.nab.com.na under the downloads section. For more enquiries pertaining to the Permit applications, stakeholders may contact Ms Linda Fillemon on +264 81 3632253 or at permits1@nab.com.na and Ms Virginia Kangootui on +264 81 3724 940 or at permits2@nab.com.na Payments: The NAB advise all its stakeholders to make use of electronic banking services. All payments of levies and fees should be deposited into the following bank account as per section 14 of the Agronomic Industry Act, Act 20 of 1992 as from 1st April 2020:
Bank: Standard Bank Namibia Limited Account Name: Namibian Agronomic Board Levy Account Account Number: 241879868 Account Type: Current Account Branch: Ausspannplatz Branch Code: 082672 Swift Code: SBNMANX
Border Control: For Border control related matters stakeholders may address their queries to Mr Lesley Losper on +264 81 43 52718 or at Lesley.losper@nab.com.na The NAB advises stakeholders to make use of our website, social media platforms (Facebook and LinkedIn) to stay updated with the latest developments.