Mega – Irrigation food producer awarded at national world food day event.
Marnus Strydom, Manager of the Mashare Irrigation Project in the Kavango-East region was crowned 2018 Mega-Irrigation farmer of the year. This award was presented during the World Food Day event held on 30th October 2018 at Bunya combined school in the Kavango.
The Namibian Agronomic Board bestows this prestigious award to a mega irrigation master agronomist, who has in a very short period of time demonstrated exceptional farming practices and is expecting good harvest yield. The winner is also recognised by the NAB for excellent and efficient food production and their contribution to food security in the country.
Marnus, who was a lecturer at the University of Free-State, in South Africa has always been passionate about agriculture and soil science. For the year under review, the Mashare Agricultural project is producing 325 ha of wheat, and expects approximately 2775 tons. This could add up to 40 % of wheat grain expected to be harvested in the country at average of 6 to 8 tons per hectare. He produces white maize and wheat under.
The NAB’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Fidelis Mwazi, commended, Marnus and his team for their hard work and vision to improve food security in Namibia.
“We hope to see more producers adapting and practising more sustainable production approaches of precision agriculture, he said”
“Despite the challenges of climate variability experienced during the 2017/2018 growing and marketing season, Namibia still managed to produce approximately 58 000 Tons of white maize grains, 4000 tons Pearl millet grains, in terms of wheat, about 6,900 tons is expected to be harvested and formally marketed in Namibia,” He concluded.
The Namibian Agronomic Board was also one of the proud sponsors towards this year’s World Food Day event.
Speaking at the event, the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry Minister, Hon. Alpheus! Naruseb, encouraged all relevant stakeholders to come together in the fight against world hunger. “Reaching the zero-hunger target in Namibia is possible”, he said.